from Auckland
I'm very approachable and fun while maintaining discipline. The parents of children I tutor enjoy the fact that the tutoring sessions involve a lot of laughter but also evidence of progress in their studies and a fun but controlled environment.
I last logged in over 3 months ago
Last Logged In
over 3 months ago *
Travel Distance
50km (max.)
English Fluent
Available on Short Notice
Driver Licence Type
Has Own Transport
Okay with Pets
Education Level
University / Polytech Graduate
Education Provider
University of Auckland
Bachelor of Arts
Interests & Hobbies
Ballroom dancing, Piano, Violin, Bell ringing (handbells and change ringing towerbells),... show more
* Last logged in date is not always reflective of availability, Adele may not have had the need to log in to her account recently.
In 2005 I spent a year in the UK working in a pre-prep and prep school. Spending days in the pre-prep school working with under 5's and evenings helping to manage the boarding school (boys aged 9-12) I gained extensive skills in working with different age groups. Since 2005 I have spent time working with the 1st Papakura Boys Brigade teaching first aid, cooking and being involved in pastoral care. Working with Icons for Girls (a modern version of Girls Brigade). Babysitting on a casual basis for children and infants (including children with special needs). Tutoring children aged 5-19 in English (reading), Tesol, Maths, Science and Music. I teach piano and violin to both children and adults. I have tutored and taught music to children with autism and minor disabilities. I'm slowly learning NZSL and attempting to teach myself braille so that I have a better understanding of the challenges blind children face.
5 years experience
Experience with Multiples
Adele offers the following Childcare services
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Profile Views this Month: 1308