from Auckland
I have 28 years experience with newborns as well as extensive medical knowledge and work with special needs . I am a nanny , a birth support doula and newborn specialist day / night nanny . I offer maternity nanny support for families and have the expertise to help with introduction to older siblings etc. I have 6 children and 3 grandchildren. Short term I'm happy to help with older children as my experience is from birth to teens but prefer working young babies most of the time . I would love to be part of your parenting journey.
I last logged in over 3 months ago
Last Logged In
over 3 months ago *
Travel Distance
80km (max.)
English Fluent
Available on Short Notice
Driver Licence Type
Has Own Transport
Okay with Pets
Education Level
University / Polytech Graduate
Education Provider
South african nanny and early education school
Nanny and Early childhood
Interests & Hobbies
My greatest passion is young babies and mothers . Knowing everything I can to help .
* Last logged in date is not always reflective of availability, Jacquie may not have had the need to log in to her account recently.
Worked extensively with young babies and toddlers since I was 9 , studied everything I could about child development before leaving high school . Went on to do a nanny and early childhood education course. Worked as a nanny for several families in south africa , Switzerland, Ireland and New Zealand. Had my own babies and in between babies ran an inhome childcare from my home . I became postnatal and under 5s parenting coach and assist. Went on to be a birth support doula and postnatal doula. I have worked with medically fragile babies and have allot of medical knowledge. I was a foster mother and worked with children with special needs as respite as well as my own asd child . I have continually kept up to date on new and trusted information for work with newborns and young babies as well as all ages of kids .
28 years experience
Ages Experience
Newborns (under 3 months) and Infants (3 months - 1 year)
Will Care For
1 Child (max.)
Overnight Stays
Willing to Live In
Own Children
Experience with Multiples
Additional Capabilities
Care for Pets, Cooking/Meal Preparation, Set Alarm Systems, Laundry and Water Plants... show all
Arts & Crafts, Baking, Dress Ups, Messy Play and Museum Visits... show all
Jacquie offers the following Childcare services
26 - 32 / hour
Profile Views this Month: 498